Dread Disease Rider (Easy Pro – Additional Benefit / Prepayment Benefit)


If the insured unfortunately suffers from a covered Dread Disease, the policyowner will receive 100% of the Dread Disease sum insured. In the case that the insured suffers from an Early Stage Dread Disease, the policyowner will receive 25% of the Dread Disease sum insured or HK$240,000 or US$30,000, whichever is lower, and the Dread Disease sum insured will be reduced correspondingly.


  • Additional Benefit
    The sum insured of the Basic Plan to which this Rider is attached will remain unchanged after payment of benefits under this Rider.


  •  Prepayment Benefit
    The sum insured of the Basic Plan to which this Rider is attached will be reduced by the amount of benefits paid under this Rider.



Premium remains level for a period which is the same as the premium period of Basic Plan to which this Rider is attached


Issue Age 

Same as the Basic Plan to which this Rider is attached


Benefit Period 

Same as the Basic Plan to which this Rider is attached


  1. This rider benefit can only be attached to designated basic plan.
  2. All information here is for reference only. All details of coverage will be subject to terms and conditions of the policy provisions.
  3. Please seek independent professional advice if necessary.