The Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit Rider covers the Insured’s loss of life or being disabled due to accident. In case of accidental death, 100% of the Rider sum insured is payable. If the Insured suffers accidental dismemberment, the benefit amount is payable according to the Schedule of Benefits.
Double Indemnity Benefit (If applicable)
The amount of accidental death and dismemberment benefit shall be doubled if the loss for which the benefit is payable occurs while the insured is travelling as a fare paying passenger in a commercially licensed public conveyance over an established route such as a bus, train, ferry or plane. A taxi or any form of transport chartered for private travel is excluded.
Premium remains level during the Benefit Period of the Rider
Issue Age (Age Next Birthday)
Age 19 to 55
Benefit Period (Age Next Birthday)
Same as the Basic Plan to which this Rider is attached or up to Age 65, whichever is the earlier.